Turbulent Flow
- Here I am, in the mountains, in a cave
- Watching water torrenting down channels
- Long ago carved into the solid rock
- I am being sprayed by the mist
- and trying not to cry
- she sent me a video, minutes ago
- about 7 seconds long
- a new sweater, a twirl
- and it might be the most beautiful
- most painful
thing i’ve ever seen
- memories flash
- shivers on a golden bridge
- manic smiles on a late night drive
- her look in a friend’s clothes
- a joke earning a fake pout
- and i can’t help but think
- maybe, i worry for nothing
- maybe, things could work
- now and forever
- These channels
- They wear their history proudly
- Past paths, clear to see
- i am not yet there
- and i mourn for all my futures
- those with her, for what i may never know
- and those without, for what i may always miss
As the turbulence below,
i am torn up, wayward, and conflicted.
yesterday, things were irreperable
today, maybe the impossible is worthwhile
- The water continues to fall
- It splashes my face, suddenly
- My family calls, my brother laughs.
- i must go on,
- still not knowing. ◼︎