Small New (reprieve)
I just learned that
she’s started looking for
someone new, too
- I guess I figured
- with us, in limbo
- silence, confusion
- “i miss you"s
- pictures, just for me
- my asking her first
- that I would get an ask
- or a warning
- or even a thought
- instead of a joking screesnhot
- of her first match
- shared with our friends
- I guess it’s allowed
- within our terms
- I guess I’m a little involved too
- (Only a little)
- and handled differently
- but finding out like this
- remarkably, flat
- hurts, shocked
- off-balance, mostly
- I guess I don’t know
- her headspace,
- like I thought I did
- No real connection in a month,
- but I hadn’t thought it was this bad.
- I guess I expected more notice
- I guess I’m a bit shocked, confused
- a bit offended
- I guess this is the cost, of waiting, on my own
- I guess I don’t quite know her, now
- like I thought I did ◼︎