A Bad Idea
- thump thump
- they fall softly onto the pillowcase
- as i think of you
- your warmth, comfort, and arms
- your smile, laugh, and face
- on the other side of the phone
- yet a plane away
- and now
- even further
- a bad idea
- i can’t make all your struggles mine
- but I don’t know any less
- i can’t help you like this
- and i tell myself i shouldn’t
- but i don’t know
- maybe it’s important
- a part of care and connection
maybe it’s innescapable
- and then my face contorts
- in a gross charachure
- to match my heart
- as i remember mornings, nights, hours, days,
- weeks, months, years
- of wonder and love
- knowing i don’t have that now
- won’t for weeks
and false fear i won’t have that again
i just want you to be ok
be mine, happy joyful and satisfied
but you’re not
haven’t been
maybe won’t
and i’m not sure i can wait.
- i can’t help
- not really
- i never figured out how
- never really understood
- and felt it hurt you a little more every time
- i told you instead of listened
- or couldn’t feel the same
- for me
- it becomes too much
- especially like this
- a plane away
- and still
- a bad idea