Cover To Cover

Being Alone


They say
Some time alone
taught me about myself

But I don’t know why.
I want to grow, learn, change, live.
Be ok.

Maybe expectations
Holding me back, now free
Now, I act for me, today
The world still expects,
but I’m not obliged.

Maybe perspectives
More time for friends
More new perspectives
More new adventures
Thinking alone, on my own.
instead of together
Slower, harder
but entirely
my own


Maybe time
Time alone, on my own
Time to think, write, cry
Time with only my throughts
To work it out

Maybe novelty
Days emptier, freer
Sad, bored, even depressed
or NEW!

New time, new hobbies, new cafes
Writing, running, strumming
So much new, to fill time
To grow, to enjoy

Alone ◼︎